Saturday 18 April 2009

My Neighbour Mr Robin

It started off with my putting bread out on the windowsill after breakfast for the birds, especially when the squirrel destroyed yet another bird feeder. Since then, even though I have replaced the seed feeder, a couple of beautiful robins still visit my windowsill and come right up to the window and look through into the room. I'm sure they have worked out that if I see them I usually go and cut up some bread or put out some seed on the sill.
The bread is of course seeded wholemeal nicely coated with peanut butter, which reminds me I have to go to the shops. I thought I was training birds to trust me but it seems they are training me.

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Here's a little treat. I took this video at the David Byrne concert held in Liverpool on the 3rd of April. I enjoyed the concert immensely and the two hours just flew by, we wanted more. I was sitting right on the front row so it was not too difficult to set the camera up, on my knee, but I concentrated more on being there, than trying to get a great video, hence the wobbles.