Thursday 29 January 2009

What a wonderful feeling it is to have a wild bird trust you enough to eat out of your hand.
I travel through Sefton Park often and usually take some food with me for the birds and the squirrels. As I was feeding a few grey squirrels I noticed a few Blue Tits perching nearby showing a great interest in what I was doing so I took a chance to see if they would eat out of my hand. I was fortunate enough to have my camera in my other hand, just in case, and I was delighted when this little Blue Tit graced me with his company.
Bird activity has increased tremendously over the past few weeks as they have started to mark out territories and seek mates. I have seen Tits, Blackbirds and Collard Doves getting material with which to build nests too. I am sure they have some recognition of the people they decide to trust. A couple I see in the Park often, feeding the birds, have had the birds actually sitting in their hand eating rather than just swooping in and then flying away.
Thank you little one for bringing so much joy into my life.

Friday 9 January 2009

Lark Lane
Music composed by Bernard Herrmann
from the film "Taxi Driver"

Thursday 8 January 2009

ASDA Thwarts Possible Suicide Attempt

Like many people I know over the past month or two, both my Mother and I caught rather nasty colds last week. Our preferred non prescription medicine to help alleviate the symptoms over the years has been "Lemsip". As the weather has been bitterly cold the past couple of weeks and the store is relatively far away from us, as I travel by cycle and carry the shopping in a rucksack on my back while cycling, I decided to buy two packets of "Lemsip".

"Oh dear!" Exclaimed the nice young lady at the checkout. I'm afraid I can only let you have one packet. Noticing the look of puzzlement spreading across my face she added, "it's because it contains, erm, paracetamol." "And that means" I asked, in the hope of some enlightenment. "Well, it's just that, company policy, we've been told." "Ah! I interjected, do you mean in case of possible overdose?" "Yes" she replied, smile beaming, it's against the law. "Do you get many cases of suicide by Lemsip" I wondered out loud. "I'm not sure" she replied hesitantly, then, as if a switch had been flicked, her lovely smile returned, "would you like a hand packing?"

For those suffering from what appears to me to be a Cold or Flu pandemic, here's my patented 99.4% guaranteed remedy.

For a drink, mix one or two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar with hot water that has boiled and cooled. Add honey to taste. Either just before, after or during the drink eat a clove of garlic. I like to peel a clove and keep it on my tongue for a few minutes before slowly nibbling into it, taking the occasional sip of the mixture. If the garlic burns, so much the better it will only last a few seconds. Repeat at least twice a day and perhaps an extra clove or two of garlic to be eaten during the day as well. Your "innereds" will love you for it.
Personally, I also find laying down in a darken room and moaning gently with head in hands a slight comfort too.

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Notes to Self

I've a couple of photos to upload of a Collared Dove's egg that I found a couple of days ago in the garden. It was broken but still fresh and this alerted me to watch the pair who visit my garden frequently. They are collecting nesting material and are well into their courtship rituals.

The blackbirds are also changing their behaviour. They are playing that game of "chase me" with each other I see every year. The males still chase each other away but I have a definite feeling there is some pairing up going on between the sexes.
♫ I also heard a Blackbird singing the other day too, all by himself in a tree next to a very busy road leading to a huge retail outlet. It's by far the earliest I've heard a Blackbird sing ♫

I feed the birds regularly with wholemeal bread and peanut butter, cut into small squares and an apple quartered. The Blackbirds love the apples and the Sparrows and Robins sit on the fence every morning waiting for me to deliver their food.

They all know Spring is not too far away, they told me so.